As a student, you are required at times to write essays that will earn you some marks towards your end of semester exams or they can be part of the requirements in getting a vacancy in the school of your liking. Either way, you must be able to show that you’re more than capable of writing an essay that’s very much up to par with the standards that are set.
1. Start Early
As an A+ student, you should be able to plan your time accordingly keeping in mind that you have to prioritize your work. Always start with the most import or the easiest. Don’t start writing your essay the night before the deadline, this will make you panic and you will end up writing something that’s not worth reading. Always write your essays as early as possible. The deadline might seem to be very far but that doesn’t give you a window to play around as the essay will need polishing and reviewing to make sure that it looks and sounds great.
2. Understand The Essay Question
Before you start writing the essay, make sure you understand what’s required of you in regards to the essay. Take some time to look at the question and understand it before you begin to write. You can take an extra step and do some research in regards to the topic at hand. This will give you more than enough material for your essay.
There are some keywords to look out for when it comes to essay writing that will assist you in knowing which direction your essay should go in. These are words and phrases such as critically evaluate, review or discuss all require you to do something specific so be on the lookout for them.
3. Get Organized
After knowing what’s required of you and you have your time set, it’s time to organize your thoughts properly so as to visualize the flow of your essay. It’s important to visualize your essay in order to see how it will look like before you begin to write it.
There are several tools online that can assist you in planning your essay help ideas or you can plan them using a diagram of your own making by taking a pen and paper and writing them down with an arrow pointing to the next idea (a flowchart).
4. Go Through Examples
For you to be really good when it comes to essay writing, you should go through other people’s essay to see what they’ve managed to come up with. Look at the essays that managed to get high rankings. From these essays, you will be able to learn a few things that may assist you in writing your own essay.
5. Bookmark Your Quotations and Citations
It’s good to put quotations and citations in your essay, it makes the essay look lively. However, whenever you use someone else’s work you have to acknowledge it and this can be something relatively easy to do but the hard part is having a really good quote and you don’t know where you found it, it can be frustrating.
Referencing other people work is important, thus, you have to organize yourself and keep track of where you get all your quotations and citations.
6. Make a Draft
Most of the time, when we start to write our material, we begin with our final draft. Whatever we would have come up with the first time is what we hand in, and this is normally not our best work. Well, things are about to change.
When writing your essay, start with a draft to give you a clear understanding of what you will be writing. In your draft, you can break all the rules and write as much as you may desire, this will create a lot of content for you. After you’re done with it, you can now edit by removing all the things that you find are not important and focus on the ones that matter. You can also add more content and refine it into a masterpiece!
7. Review Your Work
Once you’re done with your draft, it’s time to go through it and make some minor changes to it. At this point, you can add or remove things, correct your grammar and punctuation. You should also take the time to read the essay out loud so as to weed out anything that you may find not to be fitting well.
Go through your paragraphs and see if they are cohesive. Make sure that your points flow perfectly from one paragraph to the next.
8. Have Someone Else Read It
Now that you are your essay is ready, its time a fresh pair of eyes goes through it. It can be a close friend, colleague or a tutor that you can find online. A fresh pair of eyes will give you another perspective of how your essay looks like and will assist you in rectifying any problems that may be present in your essay and you didn’t notice.
That sums it all up, these are the 8 most crucial things that you need to observe to have a great essay. Go ahead and write the best essay that you possibly can!
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