How To Prepare A Eulogy


Writing or delivering a eulogy can be daunting. You will be going through a lot of grief and sorrow because of the loss of a loved one. However, you need to find time to organize your thoughts and write them down before delivering them in front of people. Here is the best way to prepare a eulogy.

Keep It Brief

If you make a long eulogy, you will end up rambling and making your listeners feel bored and uncomfortable. Make a eulogy that can be delivered within 5 minutes. If possible, ask the funeral director, clergy or any other officiant the amount of time you might have to deliver your eulogy during the service.

To make the speech brief, try focusing on something specific about the deceased that you admire. You could also share a story about the deceased that expresses their strong personality trait or a formative moment during their lifetime. Make it to be something you witnessed firsthand or of which you were personally involved.

Make It Personal

Don’t recite a list of dry facts like what is found in most obituaries. Don’t just share a list of the deceased’s character traits. You need to share a story about something the deceased loved doing, especially if you were part of the story. If you don’t have a firsthand story to share, you should talk to the family members and borrow one of their stories about the deceased.

Make It Positive

You shouldn’t have a hard time finding something positive to say about the deceased. If you are struggling to make a positive eulogy, remember the listeners will not judge you on what you say. If the deceased had a troubled life or was a difficult person, rest assured that everyone in the audience already knows it. If it’s hard to avoid referencing something negative about the deceased, you should try using a euphemism to get you past the awkward point.

Have A Written Copy

Even the best speech makers always keep a written copy of their speeches. You should do the same. Yes, you might have to practice your eulogy a few times to make sure you are familiar with it but it doesn’t mean that you should deliver from memory alone. Don’t forget to bring a handkerchief or pocket tissues with you on stage in case you become a little teary. Even better, the grieving family would like to have a copy of the eulogy so you can bring a few extra copies for them if necessary.

Keep It Conversational

A lot of people are afraid of public speaking. However, that doesn’t affect how they speak to their family members, colleagues, friends or strangers. The thing here is that nobody is watching at these times. If you are afraid of public speaking, you can deliver the eulogy in a conversational tone. Think about it like you are sharing a story to a few friends or on a firsthand insight. Make eye contact and look at your listeners from time to time to make it more conversational.

Try these tips for a great eulogy.


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