A Breakdown of the Best Roofing Materials for Solar Panel Installation


Are you considering a solar panel installation?

If you have decided to install solar panels on your roof, you might be wondering what you need to do to prepare. Unfortunately, installing solar panels is not as simple as paying for the panels and scheduling the installation.

Because the solar panels are installed on your roof, the material, slope, and state of your roof are important. If your roof is not compatible, your solar panels will not be effective as they can be.

While the solar panels can be installed on nearly any roof, the type of roof you have will determine the labor and solar panel installation cost. If you are wondering what roofing materials are compatible with solar panels, here are several materials that are.

Tar and Gravel

If you have a tar and gravel roof, you might want to search online for “solar panel installers near me.” Tar and gravel roofs are ideal because they have layers of asphalt, which provides support for the solar panels. If you are ready for solar panels, contact Blue Raven Solar for more information.

Metal Standing Seam

One roofing material that is compatible with solar panels is a metal standing seam. The seam on this roof makes attaching the solar array easy, which results in a low-cost installation. As a bonus, metal roofs are eco-friendly and long-lasting.

Cedar Shake

Although installing solar panels can be a bit difficult with a cedar shake roof, it is a great material for a solar system. However, there are several special workarounds you would need to avoid damaging the roof while installing the solar system.

If you have a cedar shake system, consider hiring a well-establish solar company with contractors who have extensive experience working with cedar shake roofs. By taking this precaution, you should have a great result.

Slate Tile

Slate tile is one of the best roofing materials for installing solar panels. This is because the tiles are waterproof and long-lasting. However, installation can be a bit tricky, which is why you should hire a solar company with slate tile installation experience.

Asphalt Shingles

The best roofing material for solar panels is asphalt shingles. This roofing material is made from flexible cellulose or fiberglass, which is ideal for solar panels. An installation on an asphalt shingle roof is quick, easy, and straightforward.

These Are the Best Roofing Materials for Solar Panel Installation

Several roofing materials are compatible with a solar panel installation.

If your roof is made of tar and gravel or metal standing seam, it’s compatible with solar panels. Other roofing materials that are compatible include cedar shake, and slate tile. If you have asphalt shingles, the solar panel installation should be quick and easy.

If your roof is made of any of these materials, consider a solar panel installation.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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