Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer after a T-Bone Accident


Have you or a family member been the victim of a T-bone accident? 4.4 million people need medical attention after a car accident each year in the United States alone.

Being in a car crash can be a life-changing experience. That’s because you may suffer from pain and shock long after the event. You could also have a hard time adjusting to your new normal.

Hiring a lawyer can help you hold an at-fault party accountable for your injuries. Read on to learn why you need a car accident lawyer after a T-bone accident!

Trusted Advocate

A personal injury attorney is a trusted advocate for you in and out of court. When you speak with an attorney like the ones at https://www.reichandbinstock.com/houston-personal-injury-lawyers/car-accidents-injuries/  they will listen to the facts of your accident.

They will ask you if there are any witnesses and about your side-impact accident injuries. A lawyer will discuss how the law applies to the facts in your crash. You will also learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and what it may be worth.

If you decide to hire an attorney, they will ask you to sign a retainer agreement. This document outlines how they will represent you in the case. After you have signed a retainer agreement, your lawyer will begin speaking to other parties on your behalf.

Legal Training

To become a licensed attorney, someone must pass a challenging, multi-day exam and character test. The state bar certifies that a person meets the requirements to hold a license and practice law.

The attorney you hire should have experience handling cases that involve T-bone crashes. They should also know the rules of civil procedure in your jurisdiction.

An attorney will have legal training that is crucial to reaching a successful resolution in your case. This will help you navigate the often unfamiliar world of the legal system.

Experience With Insurance Companies

After your car collision, you may hear from an insurance company. They will seek to gather information from you as the victim. Before you ever talk with an insurance company, you need to find a personal injury attorney.

Hiring a lawyer shows an insurance company that you mean business and will not be pushed around during settlement negotiations. Your attorney should be ready to write a demand letter on your behalf and file a lawsuit if needed.

A lawyer will present important facts to an insurance company in a demand letter and explain why their insured is at fault under the law. The letter will also include pertinent medical records documenting your injuries and make a monetary demand.

If the insurance company does not give you a reasonable settlement offer, your attorney will file a lawsuit and take your case to court!

Find a T-Bone Accident Attorney Today

The best T-bone accident lawyer has a strong reputation for representing plaintiffs. As an injured person, you need a trusted advocate in your pursuit of justice after your crash.

Are you interested in learning about other important developments in personal injury law? Check out our blog section for posts about how changes in the law will impact your rights!

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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