How to Determine if Solar Panels Are Worth It for You


The latest research from SEIA implies that solar panel costs are the lowest they’ve been in ten years. That’s great news, isn’t it?

Solar panels might be cheaper than ever before, but they’re still expensive to install. So, if you’re considering going solar, the main question on your mind is probably, ‘Are solar panels worth it?’

There are a few questions to ask when evaluating whether you’re going to get the best benefits of solar panels for your home. Here they are.

Are Solar Panels Worth It Cost-Wise?

The average solar power installation in the US costs around $12,000 once you’ve deducted the federal solar incentive. Most homeowners make this money back in about 20 years.

The main consideration when it comes to solar costs is your electricity bill. If you don’t spend more than $300 per quarter on electricity, it will take a long time for your savings to offset the cost of your solar installation.

Is Your Roof Ready for Solar?

Is your roof in need of repairs? It’s best to do this before you install your solar panels,

Solar panels last for 25 years. So, if you need to replace your roof within that time frame, you might want to wait or complete your roof replacement first.

Do you have large trees overhanging your roof? Solar panels work best in direct sunlight, so they won’t produce as much electricity in shady conditions.

If you use a lot of electricity, and your home has a small roof, you might not have enough space to install all the panels you need.

That doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from solar panel installation if you live in a cloudy or cold location. Solar panels work very well in cool conditions, although they might not produce as much electricity when it’s cloudy.

You’ll still enjoy the cost-saving benefits of solar in the long run.

Which Solar Panels Offer the Best Efficiency?

There are three types of solar panels available today, each offering different solar power benefits:

  • Monocrystalline solar panels comprising whole silicon crystals
  • Polycrystalline panels made from fragments of silicon melted together
  • Thin-film solar panels offering portability

Monocrystalline panels are the costliest solar panels, but they also produce energy most efficiently.

The other two cheaper types of solar panels are less efficient. Yet, they could still generate more than enough power for your needs.

A local solar installer can help you work out the delicate balance between cost and efficiency for your climate.

Working Toward a Brighter Future For All

One thing we do know for sure is that the environment stands to benefit enormously from the growth of the solar industry. So, in that respect, there’s only one answer to the question, ‘Are solar panels worth it?’, and that’s a resounding ‘Yes!’.

Whether you choose to get on board with solar now or wait until prices drop, even more, there are still ways to conserve energy and reduce your carbon emissions right now.

Browse our technology section to find out how modern innovations can help you get on board today.


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