How effective are agents who work from home?


Don’t you love working while fondling your furry cat or feeding your baby? I personally believe that nothing is as contended as the ‘work from home’ facility and most of you will agree with me. The convenience of working from home is extraordinary. Fortunately, the brand new millennial age has started, as some of the UK call center commenced the facility of working from home for their employees at least 2-3 days a week. Immense improvement in the work environment has helped the call center industry to grow and feature new effective measures to extract quality performance from the agents. Further to this, agents are happy when they are served with work from home facility; this makes it convenient for them to generate results from the comfort of their home without losing potential leads or stressing over not making enough leads for the day.

Regardless of the fact that the call center job is one of a kind, companies are, therefore, emerging with fresh ideas to make it a comfortable industry. An agent working from home has a few beneficial aspects.

These points are mentioned below in detail:

1Comfortable work space means enhanced work

As mentioned earlier in the introductory part of the blog that convenience is the most crucial domain to introduce the practice of work from home. Agents could lie around on their most favorite spot and submerge the client into a deep conversation either to build a relationship or close the deal. With the comfort of a hot tea every phone call is received without hampering the call flow of the company. As a result agent’s work ethics are improved and also their social and mental states remain undamaged.

2Productivity of work retained

Most of the prestigious UK call centre companies or decisions makers may contemplate that working from home will never produce the work unlike sitting on the office premises and doing the same work. Let me halt that thought and suggest a surprising outlook into such misconceptions. The efforts put by the agents working from home are similar to the agent strolling around his office bay. Agents are not on leave, they are working but from the boundaries and comfort of his rocking chair. He has to complete his target just like the other days at work i.e. he must provide qualified service to the customers in order improve the productivity of the firm for which he is currently working. Therefore, if someone is thinking that ‘work from home’ isn’t a great strategy than think about it once again, it is the same task just with different walls.

3Reduce attrition

If you are wondering how ‘work from home’ can reduce employee attrition then give it a thought once again. By now, if you have logically calculated the approach then let me add to your thoughts a few more. Call centres work round the clock. If we are enjoying Christmas by exchanging gift with our family and the electronic toy you bought for your cousin isn’t working, and it cannot wait until the next day. You call up the customer care centre and complain. Did you ever think that the person receiving your call is at the office taking your complaints instead of enjoying with his family? Most call centre agents do not get a national holiday and it is frustrating. Therefore, a company must break the monotony of work environment with the ‘work from home’ facility; it will definitely reduce the attrition rate and build a logical system of work environment.

Myriad efficient and established UK call centre have largely shifted their procedures for ‘work from home’ approach to keep up staff development for both social and commercial state. Moreover, with the advent of fresh technological software and hardware applications, it has become easier for call centres to route customer calls to the agent from every corner of the world. Call centre software applications allow call consultants in the UK to receive calls from customers by using a computer system and a headset along with appropriate internet connection.  Companies that are already practicing this approach are experiencing reduce operating expenditures, augmented service level, and refined customer gratification. Therefore, not just the United Kingdom but every call centre established in every junction of the world must practice the approach of work from home method to reduce employee attrition and boost customer experience.


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