Sustainable Homes: Energy-Efficient Home Designs of the Future


According to Architecture2030, buildings create almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. So, if you’re building a new home, it’s important to keep the environment in mind.

While one building might not make an impact globally, if we all embrace green home design, we can make a difference.

Check out these energy-efficient home designs and ideas for sustainable homes.

Passive Energy-Efficient Home Designs

Insulation is one of the biggest role players in reducing your home’s carbon footprint. Better insulation leads to less reliance on artificial means of heating and cooling and fewer carbon emissions.

Passive homes contribute to this by using the forces of nature to keep your interiors comfortable. Some components of these homes are:

  • An airtight housing envelope
  • Effective wall insulation
  • Thermally effective windows like triple-pane glass
  • Heat recovery devices in ventilation systems
  • Maximizing heat and light from the sun

When you add earth-friendly building materials and sustainable energy to the equation, you’re well on your way to creating a green home that has very little impact on the environment.

The Best Materials for Sustainable Homes

If you’re interested in building a green home from scratch, you need to embrace unconventional building materials, some old, some new. These are some of the best options:

Straw Bales

Straw bale construction has been around for centuries, and it’s undergoing a revival lately. This material offers fantastic insulation as well as durability, and fire-retardant properties.

It’s also abundant, affordable, and renewable.

Rammed Earth

Blocks of rammed earth absorb the sun’s heat during the day and release it back into your home at night. Manufacturers use low-carbon methods to create these blocks from quarry waste, so it’s a sustainable building method all around.

Recycled Materials

Another way to embrace the benefits of recycling is by using recycled wood in your home. This material adds character to your home and is another low-carbon choice when building your home.

Fast-Growing Bamboo

Bamboo is often classified as a hardwood, although it’s technically a very fast-growing grass. This renewable, sustainable material works well for many elements of home design including flooring, decking, and trim.

Sustainable Energy Sources

Fossil-fuel-powered electricity contributes majorly to global warming, and it’s on the way out.

So, you’re thinking ahead by implementing sustainable energy sources in your new home. You can also save a lot of money with these innovations.

According to Blue Raven Solar, solar power can reduce the cost of electricity for your home by up to 90%.

Nowadays, federal incentives, solar loans, PPAs, and net metering help make solar more affordable for homeowners. So, take advantage of these aspects to get a great deal for your energy needs.

Wind power is another sustainable option, but it’s more weather-dependent than solar energy is.

Get on Board With Green Living

Energy-efficient home designs are a major trend at the moment, so if you want to get the best value when deciding to sell your house, it pays to get on board with these initiatives.

Would you like to find out more about how to make the most of your home improvement efforts? Browse some more of our articles.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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