
How to Be More Environmentally Friendly: 5 Simple Tips

You keep seeing the effects of global warming on the planet in the news. Climates are changing and our garbage is killing plants and animals alike.

Your carbon footprint measures how much CO2 you add to the environment. A recent study found that American households have an average carbon footprint of 48 metric tons of CO2 each year!

But, what can you do to reduce that carbon footprint? Keep reading to learn how to be more environmentally friendly with our 5 favorite tips.

Choosing Better Products

Sometimes, it’s convenient to buy single-use items that you can throw away and replace. But, that puts a huge burden on the environment. Landfills are already pretty full! Instead, look for products meant for re-use or that you can recycle when you’re done with it.

Install Solar Panels

You may have seen some of your neighbors with big black solar panels on their roofs. They convert the sun’s rays into electricity so they don’t have to draw as much energy from the electric company.

After a reputable company like Blue Raven Solar installs your panels, one of the most noticeable benefits of solar energy is the savings on your bill! On top of that, you lower your carbon footprint because you’re generating renewable energy.

How To Be More Environmentally Friendly With Water Consumption

Another way of caring for the environment is to conserve water. Don’t let your tap run and cut back on your shower time.

Also, instead of reaching for a pre-packaged bottle of water, fill up a glass from the tap. All those plastic bottles end up in landfills and the water quality is like your tap in most cases.

Bring Out the Bike

It’s time to dust off that old bike and make sure your helmet still fits. Taking your car out less often helps reduce the amount of pollution in the air and the amount of fossil fuel you’re using.

Leave the car in the garage and take a walk, ride your bike, or use public transportation whenever possible. The extra exercise will help you feel healthier too!

Cut Back on the Beef

There’s nothing like a hot juicy steak and a baked potato after a long day. But, did you know that cows are a major contributor of greenhouse gasses to the environment?

We’re not saying caring for the planet means going vegan. But, consider cutting back on beef a little and choosing a more sustainable meat option or doing a couple of vegetarian dishes a week.

There Isn’t a Planet B

We can’t kick the can farther down the road anymore. Whole climates are changing, and species are dying out.

Keep these tips in mind to help you make better choices in your day-to-day life. That way, you can feel good about doing your part for the environment!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned how to be more environmentally friendly. If you’re looking for more articles about climate change, green living, eco-conscious businesses, and much more check out the rest of our blog today!

Hardik Patel

Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.

Published by
Hardik Patel

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