How to Be More Green in Your Day-To-Day Life


If you are wondering whether enough scientists are agreed on the issue of climate change would 11,000 be enough to convince you? Their report warned of “untold suffering” if we don’t take this threat seriously. Is it time you asked what you can do to save our planet?

How green is your lifestyle? You can do a lot to live in a more environmentally-friendly way? Read on to learn some great tips on how to be more green in your daily life.

Learn How to be More Green

The first thing you can do is to educate yourself. Learn about climate change, environmental science, and what you can do about it.

Don’t rely on a random blog or TV news coverage. Seek out science-backed sites such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US National Academy of Science, or a recognized University science department website.

Rely on evidence and not opinion. Facts might be difficult but they are more reliable than people with opinions formed to support vested interests. Be aware that some people have a psychological need to deny the threat of climate change or to belong to a group as part of their identity.

Free your thinking and be objective. Be active in support of the environment. There are things you can do today.

Use Recyclable Paper Products

Recyclable paper products are often marked as such. Whenever you use paper consider whether there is a recyclable paper option. Wrapping paper, paper cups, and toilet paper are just some uses of paper that have recyclable paper options.

Recycled paper reduces the use of timber for paper manufacture. It also uses less energy and water to recycle paper than to make paper from wood. Less harmful bleach is used and fewer chemicals discharged from paper mills.

Recycling paper is also good for the environment as it is a raw material for making animal bedding, insulation, and fuel.

Reduce Food Miles

The transporting of food from where it is grown to where it is consumed uses energy. This energy is a scarce resource forming a large percentage of the final cost of the food. The energy used also produces greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change.

The environmental impact of this activity is sometimes expressed as “food miles”. You can reduce the number of food miles used in obtaining your food.

Grow your own food. It’s easy to grow at least some of your own food. The options range from growing a few herbs and salad leaves in a window box to an extensive vegetable garden. If you are short of land, consider asking if you can help maintain a garden of a neighbor in return for space to grow some crops.

Projects using public space to grow food are a great example of community action to reduce food miles and help sustain a community.

Use farmer’s markets, local producers, and check food labels to reduce your food miles. This may also be able to encourage low environmental impact farming too.

Choose Renewable Energy

Whenever you can, choose low environmental impact energy sources. You may be able to opt for an environmentally sustainable energy provider. Choose renewable energy when you can.

If you can opt for home heating from a renewable source do so. Examples of greener energy sources are solar panels or heat pumps.

Reduce energy consumption by turning your heating down a degree or two. Save on heat loss by having effective home insulation.

Stop Using Single-Use Bottles

Bottled water is cheap and convenient but there are consequences to using it. Those single-use water bottles are made of plastic. That’s a product of the petrochemical industry and a major contributor to carbon emissions and global warming.

The plastic bottles end up as a none biodegradable pollutant. Many end up in oceans. The degrading of the plastic takes many years and results in microplastic pollution.

Buy a reusable water bottle and keep it with you. It will save you money because the cost of those single-use water bottles mounts up. It won’t end up killing life in the ocean and helps reduce carbon emissions.

Kind Shampoo and Conditioner

Chemicals used in personal care products such as shampoo and conditioner are washed down the drain. They can end up in the oceans where they are toxic to animals and plants in the environment.

Choose environmentally responsible products without toxic chemicals. They are kinder to the environment and might be kinder to your skin too.

Remember, the plastic bottles used for shampoos are often not recycled. Buy shampoo and soap from sources that re-fill your container to reduce their impact.

Reduce Car Use

Not only do cars use fossil fuels with their consequences for CO2 emissions, but they are also a major contributor to urban congestion and lung-damaging pollution. It’s much more environmentally responsible to use public transport. Better still, cycle or walk and get yourself a health-giving work-out too.

If you have to use a car, electric or hybrid cars are getting more economically viable. They emit less CO2 and pollution.

Clothes Shopping

Un-restricted consumption is at the root of many of our environmental problems. Buying new clothes, for example, involves the production of raw materials, manufacturing, shipping, and distribution. All of this is in pursuit of a short-term fashion statement.

Develop your own thrift shop chic. Buy pre-loved clothes and you’ll be making a positive impact on the planet. You’ll also be giving extra life to a perfectly serviceable garment.

If you can’t face second-hand shoes, consider sustainable shoes.

Meat Free

Go vegan and join a growing band of increasingly accepted food activists. Avoiding meat and dairy is what 9.6 million Americans do every day. Many do this to reduce the environmental impact of meat and dairy production.

More Green

Being greener doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Often, it’s about being aware of how to be more green. Somebody has to consider the planet and it might as well start with you.

Browse our website for more articles on green living.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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