Meditation Online Taken To Another New Level At Glo


Are you feeling chained in your life? Well, Glo provides a blueprint to strengthen the body, heart, and mind. This is through meditation baked with movement and education, which is designed to evolve with you. The mediation online at Glo is aimed at bringing attention and action to all aspects of your life.

The meditation practice suits everyone from beginners, artists, students, soon-to-be moms, dabblers, Olympians, and stay at home fathers. Part of the Glo community spans years of levels of experience, aspirations, backgrounds, and life stages. The firm aims at uniting people with the search for a quiet place of personal progress in the current world filled with noise and distraction.

Meditation Online Styles

Audio Meditation

With audio meditation, you will be able to minimize your screen time while practicing on the go. This includes various techniques which focus on mind without requiring visual cues. Glo has designed its audio meditation to help you minimize your screen time while helping you free up to meditate during active periods such as when commuting, having a meal or on a walk.

Various Audio Meditation Techniques at Glo include:

  • Making peace in a relationship with Sally Kempton
  • New Moon meditation with Felicia Tomasko
  • Savasana surrender with Sara Clark
  • Meditation for healing the planet with Sally Kempton among many.


The meditation online process entails various techniques which train your mind and also focusing on your awareness. This includes mantra recitation to guided visualizations, breath work, and mindfulness. This captures a landscape of meditation which is varied and exciting. This consistently engages you with one or more of these techniques, which are impactful on its own. This is a powerful means of deepening your yoga practice.

Meditation Online Techniques Available at Glo

Finding Peace: Meditation with MC Yogi

This technique is aimed at letting peace shine within your through a soothing visualization and body awareness practice. You will be able to settle into that feeling of being supported, calm, and connected.

Cultivating self-love: Meditation with Elena Brower

This meditation aims at making you love yourself with patience. It is a simple meditation which will assist you in inhaling appreciation and self-acceptance while also consequently exhaling your doubts.

Balance your heart and mind: Meditation with Kia Miller

This uses a particular breathing technique with an internal mantra which reaches a deep state of connection and stillness. You will be able to inhale with your mouth like a whistle while exhaling with your nose and mentally repeating the process.

Courses Offered at Glo

The courses range from moon circles to teacher training. You can add to your membership to access advanced and interactive education a lot Glo. The classes are also applicable during the non-contact hours through the Yoga Alliance teacher training. Some of these courses include:

  • The heart of Smartflow Yoga all with Annie Carpenter: 6 chapters
  • Yamas and Niyamas with Stephanie Synder: 32 chapters
  • Practice you with Elena Brower: 6 chapters
  • The art of teaching beginners with Jason Crandell: 11 chapters
  • Aim true advanced teacher training: Transcend fear with Kathryn Budig: 7 chapters

In addition, you are also introduced to a full spectrum of programs which help you in guiding your journey. The programs at Glo are carried out with expert-guided classes with series which are designed to introduce skills, create a rhythm, and inspiring goals for your unique practice.

With the Glo devices for meditation online, you can connect with your favorite classes on any device even if you are on the go. You can alternatively practice at home or when on the go with expert teachers at your disposal. Glo is also available on iPad, Apple TV, watch, iPhone, and on the web. You can also view the classes when you are offline.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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