10 Reasons Why You Should Go For A Blood Test Regularly


From diagnosing disease to treating illness, blood tests provide the medical practitioner with the ideal opportunity to know more about the pathological and physiological state of your condition. Blood is the ubiquitous tissue that interacts with all organs and tissues. It is the homeland of essential immune cells, and the transporter of nutrients and oxygen; in brief, it practically regulates and guards the entire human body.

The best thing about blood is the fact that it can let you know more about the well-being of a person. It can let you know about the organs and their functions, metabolism, diet and numerous other things.

Here are 10 reasons why you must opt for blood tests on a regular basis.

1Blood tests help calculate how well the organs are operating [particularly your liver and kidney]

Blood tests are possibly the handiest preventive tool that ascertains how well the organs are and how they are operating. Diagnoses for nearly all organ-related concerns always begin with some blood tests. For example, a straightforward potassium count through a blood test can help gauge the health of a person’s kidneys. If the potassium count is at an unsafe level, you will probably be diagnosed with kidney disease and your doctor will start the necessary treatment straight away.

2Blood tests can inform you of the causes of breath shortness and fatigue

If you are someone who gets exhausted often without any particular reason, then, it might be an indicator that something is actually wrong. Tiredness is something that is common amongst people who have low iron content or people with possibilities for heart disease.

To discover the root cause of fatigue, a complete blood count test [CBC test] can help count the blood cell number present in the blood. For example, the clinician will calculate the haemoglobin and number of red blood cells in the blood for identifying anaemia.

3Blood tests can help describe the reasons behind your unanticipated weight gain or weight loss

An inexplicable weight gain or weight loss is one amongst the first few signs that indicate you might have a thyroid disorder. Whilst weight loss often occurs as a result of hyperthyroidism, weight gain takes place when the blood has inferior thyroid hormone levels, thereby causing hypothyroidism.

Through a thyroid test [blood test], your general practitioner would want to measure the sum of different hormones, that include TSH [thyroid-stimulating hormone] and T4 hormones. The blood test can even measure the existence of antibodies to make a diagnosis for autoimmune thyroid disorders.

4Blood tests can inform which nutrients you require more

Whether you are experiencing concurrent headaches, perplexed about food that doesn’t contain gluten, or allergic to food, in general, a nutritional assessment of the blood can offer critical insights into nutrient deficiency. Nutritional tests help assess the levels of different micro and macronutrients like fats, protein, vitamins, carbs, antioxidants and minerals.

5Checking sexual health using blood tests

Blood tests are utilized to diagnose several sexually transmitted infections like syphilis, HIV, and genital herpes. If you are someone who is sexually active, it is vital to keep a close watch on your sexual health.

6Blood tests can reveal the presence of diabetes

Your general practitioner can diagnose prediabetes, diabetes, and gestational diabetes using blood tests. Though you can purchase over-the-counter testing equipment, utilizing a blood glucose meter is not good for self-diagnosis. Blood tests let the doctor diagnose diabetes sooner and counsel on preventing it and managing it.

7Blood tests can help monitor health progress

Once your doctor diagnoses you with an illness, for instance, iron deficiency, a blood test can help determine how well you are currently progressing in refilling the iron levels to their healthy level.

8When physical tests fall short, blood tests come to your rescue

Doctors might be unable to confine your symptoms from merely a physical examination. A physical examination can fail to identify a condition that may lead to severe issues. In that case, blood tests can make things possible and close the disparity and discover what is happening exactly. A complete cholesterol test, also known as lipid profile test can help determine the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in your blood.

9Blood tests can help identify whether you are in danger of heart disease

Be it high cholesterol level or any other substances in the blood, blood tests can inform you a lot about your current heart health. For example, blood tests can compute elevated levels of bad cholesterol; the primary risk factor for ailments related to your heart. It can even measure the fat amount in the blood, and this is known as the lipid test.

10Blood tests can assess how well the blood is clotting

Blood clots typically form in your legs [thrombosis], however, they can get out and reach your arteries in the lungs thereby causing severe pulmonary embolism. Blood tests can help find out the presence of such clots in your lungs and potentially save your life.

There are several advancements and changes that are happening in the medical industry, however, at the same time, there has been some escalation in the health conditions that affect people as well. It is not a smart thing to hang around until something bad happens prior to seeking advice from your doctor or taking a blood test. A precise and timely examination will help you stay away from chronic diseases. In today’s advanced world, your health depends on quite a lot of factors like exercise, your lifestyle, mental health, diet, and stress levels. To identify your condition, it is advisable that you opt for regular blood tests to be certain rather than going nowhere with speculations and regretting things later.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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