Save Big Bucks With These 9 Money Hacks


No profession in the world is more demanding yet equally fulfilling as a business. The transformation of your small idea into a booming business is an unbeatable source of gratification and happiness. However, to spend restless days and nights worrying over your finances and running costs is also a part of that equation. They’re just two sides of the same startup coin.

The famous quote “If you’re going through hell, keep going” applies to businesses as well. Keeping a steady head through all your ups and downs exposes you to different experiences. When you come out on the other side, you’ll be ready to meet bigger challenges and add value to your business. In the modern age, companies struggle most with money and investing matters. Although a business needs to generate fast cash at its initial stages, savings become crucial to success as it slowly progresses.

Down below, we go over some money hacks that can help you save big bucks in your business’s conduct.

1Budget Creation And Revisions

No-brainer here; create a budget and stick to it. Also, ensure your budget isn’t stagnating, or worse, declining. It’s a good idea for businesses to have yearly budget meetings. Still, it’s even better if you manage and update your budget in real-time. Keeping track of your money makes you less prone to setbacks and being sucked into hard-to-escape situations without getting scathed.

2Reduce HR Costs

Guess what the most significant expense for most businesses is? It’s employees and hiring. Indeed, employees are a long-term investment, and hiring appropriate people for the job is central to a business’ growth. Nevertheless, if you want to save money, you’ll have to get more ingenious.

Look for employees that have more than one skill and are flexible with job rotation. So, instead of employing five individuals for five various jobs, you can save some serious bucks by only hiring one to do the job of five. For instance, someone doing a masters in accounting online can offer you financial advisory services while acting as your internal auditor.

Moreover, you can turn to freelancers and part-time employees for jobs not requiring full-time workers as they’re considerably less-costly.

3Become One With Technology

Technology is continuously redefining the way modern businesses operate and has helped many such companies in countless ways. More specifically, technology lets entrepreneurs save their valuable money. Technology has recently enabled an unrestricted flow of business activities, regardless of your customers’ location. Local business constraints. No problem. Start operating from your home with technological aid and connect to global target customers and employees without a hassle! Next, once you’ve built a sustainable client base, you may move to a more traditional office environment, given you’re not short on cash.

Another way to supplement your business’ growth using technology is to use price-tracking apps. These apps alert you when the price of a particular product fluctuates. Consequently, you can save substantially by getting your preferred products and materials at a discount.


Suppose, for some reason; local talent is not the best pick for your business. In such a scenario, you can outsource. Outsourcing involves paying a company or individual to complete business activities on your behalf. Outsourcing is an excellent way to make immediate savings as it is relatively cheaper than hiring full-time employees. Before you venture to hire on your own, consider going to reputable firms that offer reliable outsourcing talent.

5Choose Suppliers Wisely

If you’re in the manufacturing business, you’ll be needing the right suppliers for your raw materials and products. Explore your options, compare prices and products to find the best match for your budget and product needs.

Propose a partnership once you find a likely candidate. After you’ve built a reputation with them, some suppliers may even grant you a line of credit. A LOC or line of credit is a loan facility that allows you to borrow the needed funds for your purchases under a set limit.

6Innovative Marketing

For most small businesses, the marketing budget remains one of the most significant expenses, eating up a big portion of the total revenue. Yet, all that marketing requires is a clever strategy that exploits given resources to the maximum. Make this your mantra: there are more economical and viable options out there. For instance, digital marketing is giving print and TV advertising a run for their money.

The internet and social media can be powerful marketing tools for any company, given their ever-expanding reach and universality. Digital marketing doesn’t even require a significant investment, allowing you savings on traditional marketing costs! Just make sure to hire skilled personnel that knows how to create and run effective brand campaigns.

7Reuse Equipment And Barter

In its nascent stages, a business runs on limited resources, including cash. Luckily, there are several economical options to acquire operational equipment for your business.

Head to the second-hand or used market when searching for company equipment. Since most businesses close in under five years, there are many lost opportunities up for grabs. After all, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You can make savings aplenty, only if you’re willing to use second-hand furniture and equipment.

Can you believe used equipment usually costs only half the price of most new equipment? Also, there are no business standards against using second-hand items, so don’t worry about falling out with your business acquaintances.

Moreover, try bartering if you want to increase your savings. Usually, bartering involves an exchange of services between two companies/businesses without monetary incentives.

8Wholesale Buying

You must be familiar with this scheme in your shopping endeavors. Bulk buying translates to saving per-unit costs and sizeable discounts. Even if you think you don’t require a surplus of specific materials/products at the moment, you might need those extra items as you expand your operations. Also, seasonal bulk buying allows you to avoid shortages in the future when demand for a specific product shoots up. So, stock up because it’s true to your human nature!

9Project Management And Open Source Tools

Sometimes, it can become frustrating for entrepreneurs to juggle so many tasks and obligations at once while giving each of them individual attention. Enter project management tools. These tools can result in significant savings as they serve as a central point for tracking and handling all your business projects.

Most project management tools’ monthly fee is negligible compared to their significant return on investment; for example, improved productivity. If you’re lucky and the right size, you can get a free plan for your business.

Moreover, project management tools enable daily project cost monitoring and open communication between teams. Today, the open-source community has recreated most software employed in running a business. Open-source concerns the products and software available in public domains. In layman’s terms, open-source software is either free or less costly than most commercial ones.

To Cut It Short

Indeed, saving money seems improbable in today’s economy, yet it’s not entirely impossible. All it takes is your time, effort, and imagination. If you pay attention, you can find heaps of routine costs and expenses that provide no returns. This article discussed some clever money hacks that help you save, such as outsourcing, digital marketing, budget revisions, and bulk buying. There’s no better way to propel your business forward than capitalizing on available tools and knowledge. Get, set, save!

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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