5 Tips on Building Social Media Strategies for Small Businesses


As years push on, social media has opened up a lot of opportunities for a lot of businesses. Facebook alone has about 60 million business pages, which use marketing with Facebook to expand their market. With broad internet access, the web has presented itself as a new opportunity for small businesses to bring in new customers.

This is an important venture that you can take advantage of for small businesses. We will look at some social media strategies that can help your small business thrive. These five tips can steer you in the right direction to optimize your social media strategies.

1Social Media Strategies and Objectives

When formulating social media strategies, you need to set your goals and objectives. Make sure that they fall under the SMART framework. SMART stands for (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound).

In this case, you have to keep in mind the reason why you started the business and why you want it to flourish.

A good example of your goals would be to increase your conversion rate or to get more customers to your business.

2Know Your Target Audience

Once you have your goals and objectives listed and set, you also need to know your market. You can do this through surveys or by checking your analytics. By understanding your target audience, you would have an idea of what to share and post.

This also helps you establish your content calendar, as well as how you would schedule your posts.

You can consult Jasdeep Singh Business Consultant for advice and other questions.

3The Human Element

As you engage, you have to include the human element into the mix. In this case, your business also has a human side. This allows customers to see that there is more to the company than being a faceless corporation.

Engage by adding personality to the posts. You can also show the faces of the ones behind the social media account. You can even crack jokes to bring color to the business’s persona.

4Engage and Build Relationships

In connection to this, when creating your posts and other content, do more than just sell. Aim to engage and build relationships with your customers. Include hashtags and also @mention to in the social aspect of your posts.

Also, answer questions asked by customers. Start a conversation as well. This also helps you grasp what your market needs.

5Optimize for Visibility and Engagement

You need to optimize your posts so that your followers and customers can see your content. This is where SEO is useful since every keyword and content released comes into play. Although for this one, social media optimization has a different approach compared to SEO.

Make your strategies accordingly and you can reach your market, bringing in both old and new customers into your fold.

Plan Out Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Plan your social media strategies with your market and vision in mind. From there, engage and bring out a human voice to your business. Your customers will love you more and continue doing business with you.

Of course, utilizing social media is only the beginning. There are other methods of digital marketing to master and we’ve got the guides you need. Feel free to keep reading more of our content, right here!


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