If you are having doubts or concerns about the trustworthiness of someone you are in a relationship with, a family member or friend, a new neighbor, or any other kind of close acquaintance, you have probably thought about how you can find out whether they are worthy of your trust. Luckily, technology has endowed mankind with some pretty useful tools for finding out what an individual is all about and what they’ve been up to over the years. More specifically, here are 5 technological trustworthiness testing tools and techniques that are worth trying.
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1. Searching Public Records
One of the fastest ways to find out a lot about someone very quickly is to run their name and basic details through a public record search database. Even if you only know their name, approximate age, and the city/area they live in, that could be enough to help you pull up their records. When it comes to determining trustworthiness, checking criminal records is usually the best place to start. Superior court records are typically the most comprehensive and revealing documents for uncovering a person’s complete criminal history. You can look for them on PublicRecordsReview.com and receive a detailed printout of every crime they’ve ever committed. Public Records Reviews also provides quick and easy access to other records that might help you learn more about their past, such as previous addresses, marriage records, and even mugshots.
2. Social Media Following
Following someone on social media to determine whether they are trustworthy isn’t always the most foolproof plan, but it can definitely give you some interesting clues about who the person is, what they’re interested in, and the kind of people they associate with. Essentially, technology has given us the power to learn almost everything about a person just by viewing their social media profile, friend’s list, and statuses. The image that a person depicts of themselves on social media isn’t always accurate, as some con artists use sites like Facebook to put up facades and strengthen their credibility. However, in some cases, simply scrolling through a person’s recent posts could tell you everything you need to know.
3. Online Courses on Body Language and Psychology
It is important to remember the advanced learning capabilities that technology provides, with so many online courses available for free on every subject. Taking a course on body language or psychology could help you become a better judge of character and uncover clues about whether someone is being dishonest with you. In fact, there have been many books written about how to tell if someone is lying just by examining their body language. This kind of skill set will come in handy not only in your current endeavor to uncover the nature of the person you are currently having doubts about but also in the future as you make new acquaintances.
4. Finding Friends and Family
In some cases, seeing what the person’s family is like might put your mind at ease about who they are. While the demeanor or status of someone’s family members doesn’t always provide an accurate indication of who they are, it might at least show you what kind of background they come from. Of course, the internet would be the starting point for conducting such research, as you might need to use a genealogical database or people search site to find out who the person’s family members are. You probably won’t want to go overstepping your boundaries and calling the person’s family members unsolicited, but you could easily send them a friend request to sort of see what they’re about.
5. Lie Detector Tests
A list of technological methods for determining trustworthiness simply could not be complete without mentioning the good old fashioned polygraph, also known as the lie detector test. Although there aren’t many scenarios in which someone would willingly submit to polygraph testing at your request, this is still a technology worth considering if you’re having questions about the actions or intentions of a partner, family member, or other close acquaintance. Many times, simply asking them if they would be willing to take a lie detector test is enough to help you gauge their response. After all, if someone knows for sure that they aren’t lying, then their response to that question would usually be “sure, why not.”
Don’t Forget to Trust Your Instinct
Determining whether someone is “good” or “bad” is no easy task these days, as even some of the most trusted authority figures have been found guilty of doing some pretty horrible things. Thus, despite technology’s power to open windows into an individual’s personal life, it is still important to trust your own instinct. Ultimately, if you can be fairly confident of a person’s intentions, then you can know whether they should be trusted in the current situation.