6 Tips for Amateur Sailors


Are you starting to sail? If you have no previous experience, then we are giving you some tips that will help you for a better sailing experience. This should help you when you start.  You need to get a grip with the basics of sailing. Following we are going to give some tips to get started.

1. Mind the Instructions

Don’t try and learn something on waters. It’s not healthy. This will cost you time and money. So, you better learn the basics from guides before you go on boating. You better mind practical instruction from someone with great sailing experience.  Sailing courses are worth investing.

2. Try Calm and Uncrowded Water

You better start in calm waters. You don’t want to start in rough open waters or crowded waters with skilled yachtmen who know what they are doing. If you are learning the basics, then you better go there the condition and winds are light with low traffic. Contained marina is your best bet if you don’t have any previous experience.

You better start small. Remember the fact that no one learns to drive if they use a bus. The same principle applies to sail. You need to start sailing with a small boat; it will be responsive and easy to move around. You can deal with it easily in capsizing which you inevitably do at a time.

3. Check Conditions

Once you are ready to go alone, it will pay attention to check the conditions of your boat, weather, and the waters.  Check information related to tides, wind, and weather conditions, so you are prepared for whatever comes your way. Make sure you have to right gear and provisions for your gear.

You have to practice how you deal with capsizing your boa. It’s better if you do this in a controlled environment where you can get all the help you need, instead of taking this challenge head-on in open water. Test capsize because you will capsize sooner or later.

4. Boom and Bust

You have to watch for the boom; this is a horizontal pole which extends from the bottom of a mast as it might cause injury or even forward you overboard. The boat is responsible for onboard injuries. You need to keep watch for when the boom is about to happen. It might save you from trouble ahead.

5. Safety First

Safety is very important; it doesn’t matter if you are experienced or not; you have to mind some safety precautions. You should, after these precautions, every time. This means you have to inform people where you are going. Moreover, you will need to wear a floatation jacket, and you can swim.

6. Right of Way

Sailing is not free; there are some rules which govern how your boat should maneuver to make sure they don’t collide with someone else. How you move is based on different variable including which side the wind is on, what type of craft you use and are you going to plan to overtake or not.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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