Top 5 Benefits of Residential Solar


You are about to have an important meeting that will skyrocket your career to greater heights. No sooner had the meeting started than your local power grid experienced a major power outage. Now your internet and computer can’t work, and you end up missing a lifetime opportunity.

Besides acting as backup residential solar power installation has other benefits to its users. There has never been a better time than now to go solar due to the tax benefits you can gain. If you are skeptical about the need to install solar panels in your home, this is the article for you.

Read along to get five benefits of residential solar systems.

1Save Money

Although the initial investment of installing solar panels is high, it saves you money in your utility bills every month. The cost of electricity has been going up, whilst solar power is known to have low and predictable rates.

Having residential solar panels is a long-term investment as you save a lot in the long haul. More so, by having powerful rechargeable batteries, you can save energy to protect yourself against TOU rates.

2Federal Tax Credit

When you buy residential solar panels, you are eligible for a 26% tax credit.

This is after congress passed a bill to extend the tax credit period to cover 2020-2022. Those who installed the solar panels before December 2019 were eligible for a 30% tax credit.

3Clean and Renewable Energy Solution

Unlike other sources of electricity that rely on fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal, solar power is a clean and renewable source of energy. It’s now clear the amount of environmental damage caused by burning fossil fuels to create electricity. Not to add the adverse effect of air pollution on our health and the environment at large.

Going solar is a step forward towards the fight against using non-renewable sources of energy such as coal. As a result, the carbon footprint reduces as the emission of harmful gases to the environment will stop.

4Increase in Home Value

It’s every homeowner’s dream to sell their property at a higher value than they acquired it. Residential solar systems can increase the value of your property by 4.1% compared to homes without solar panels. Practically speaking, if your property is worth $600,000 before solar panel installation, it will be worth $24,600 more.

5Net Metering

This is where you sell excess electricity produced by your solar panels by letting it go back to the power grid. You might find the amount of electricity generated by your solar panels exceeds your household consumption. When the excess watts are taken back to the grid, the company offsets a part of your total bill that month.

Go to and get the best residential solar installation done at affordable prices.

Get a Good Return on Investment by Installing Residential Solar Systems

The benefits you derive by installing residential solar systems are a good tradeoff to consider when going solar. Take quick action before you are due for the federal tax credit benefit.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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