Construction accounts for around 9% of the global employment trade. We all need it and it is perhaps one of the most stable jobs out there. Building homes for people, new offices for businesses, logistical infrastructure like bridges all require construction workers. However, these jobs do not come without their risks. They can also be some of the most dangerous jobs to work in. This article will let you know the most common types of injuries and accidents you may face at work in construction and what to do about them.
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Hazards in the workplace
Construction covers a wide variety of different trades. A lot of these trades place you as a worker in hazardous situations. These include being up a height, dealing with faulty equipment, being struck by an object, electrocution, and being caught between objects. Some of these can be fatal and life-altering so it is important to know that despite there being risks in construction, you as a worker have a right to safety.
Whilst some accidents can be exactly that and out of anybody’s control, this is not always the case. Sometimes an accident can be caused by a lack of training or negligence on the part of another employee or by poor work practices and due diligence by your company. However, this also means that you should not have to face the consequences of these accidents alone. There is plenty of support out there should you need it.
Employee’s rights within the workplace
So, what are your rights in the construction workplace? One of the most important and prominent rights that you have is the right to safe working conditions. Your employers shoulder the responsibility of making construction sites safer as well as providing protective equipment. This can include safety gloves, helmets, and eye shields.
Equally as important is the right to fair labor practices. Construction workers have the right to demand a minimum wage, overtime pay over forty hours, and that your employers keep a record of all hours that are worked. This can help with any discrepancies in the future.
Should you find that these standards are not being met, then you must report your issues to the site supervisor. Should they fail to act on your information, you can also request that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspect the site to force the changes. You also have protection from retaliation so this is an asset that should be utilized.
Experiencing an accident on a construction site
Experiencing an accident at work can be a dreadful thing. Not only might you be seriously hurt but you may face lasting damage and be forced off work. This can dramatically affect your quality of life and in the worst cases force you into financial difficulty. Fortunately, there are specialist lawyers and advisors that can help you see if there is a claim to be made. This may help with any extra financial burden.
Construction accidents
As an essential industry to the modern world, construction is a trade that must continue. However, this should not be at your expense. Contact a lawyer if you have been involved in an accident at work.