
How to Understand that You Are Addicted

Many people take a throwaway approach when talking about substance abuse and addiction. When listening to such talks, it’s easy to assume that a person qualifies to be an addict by simply liking something too much. But, this is not the case. Nevertheless, society has conceptions of the behaviors and looks of addicts. These make people with addiction problems look like they live in a different world.

But, the truth is that addicts look like normal people. In some cases, it’s even hard to tell that a person is an addict. That’s because some people seem to use addictive substances just to have a good time. The fact that addiction is less obvious in some people makes it difficult to deal with.

So, how do you tell that you are addicted to a drug or something? How do you know that it’s time to seek free drug addiction help at AddictionResource and other websites? If worried that you might be addicted to something, here are signs to confirm that you indeed have a dependency on something.

Using or Doing it Even When Negative Consequences are clear

If you continue using an addictive substance or doing something that is already having negative or detrimental consequences on the other parts of life, you’re already addicted to it. The addiction definition describes it as a brain disorder whose major characteristic is compulsive in stimuli that feel rewarding even when it has adverse consequences.

When the brain of a person becomes addicted, it justifies or ignores the serious negative consequences of the habit. Thus, a person continues using the addictive substance and this continues the addiction. So, if you’re using an addictive substance even when its negative consequences on your life are clear, you’re addicted.

Losing Interests in Pastimes and Activities You Once Loved

Perhaps, you have realized that you’re no longer interested in pastimes and activities that you once loved just because they do not involve an activity or a substance that is associated with your addiction. In that case, you’re already an addict. You may have also noticed a change in your priorities.

Maybe the only time you choose to spend time in social situations is when you’re using the addictive substance. You could also be ignoring your friends because they don’t drink or use an addictive substance. If you realize that you no longer have time for the people you considered friends just because they don’t use addictive substances, you need to seek free addiction help.  It may also be necessary to seek professional help if personal hygiene, food, and other basic needs are no longer your priority.

An Attempt to Quit is Always Followed by Withdrawal

This is a major challenge that people face when they try to stop using addictive substances. Essentially, the body of an addict is used to having the addictive substance all the time. Therefore, taking the addictive substance away abruptly distresses the system of an addict severely. Withdrawing from addictive substances like prescription painkillers and heroin causes a serious withdrawal that can last for two days or even longer.

Research has shown that when the body is denied the addictive substance that has been used heavily for some time, the residual counter-regulatory mechanisms respond with unopposed effects that characterize withdrawal syndromes. The severity and nature of withdrawal depend on the addictive substance that a person has been abusing, the amount, and the period for which they have abused it.

Common withdrawal symptoms that are experienced by most people include anxiety, flu-like symptoms, tremors, irritability, and restlessness.

Keeping the Use of the Addictive Substance Secret

If you keep the use of an addictive substance secret from your friends or family, you’re indeed an addict. When a person becomes secretive about their activities, relationships, and space, they are sending a problematic signal. This should even show loved ones that you have an addiction problem.

Ideally, an addict feels like their use of the addictive substance is excessive or shameful in some ways. Therefore, they opt to keep it secret to avoid interference or judgment by others.

Increasing Tolerance

It’s the time to seek free drug addiction treatment if you’re tolerance to the addictive substance keeps increasing. Tolerance is not always the ability of the body to take something in a large amount. It’s about how the body reacts to the amount of the addictive substance a person takes.

In most cases, a person becomes an addict after abusing a substance for some time. That’s because the body becomes accustomed to having it in its system. The rewarding nature of most psychoactive substances prompts the body to require more of the addictive substance to get the same high a person experienced at first. This is known as adaptation. However, tracking the need for more substance that the body requires to experience the same effects is not easy for an addict.

Inability to Quit without Assistance

Many people want to quit their use of psychoactive substances. Unfortunately, they can’t do it without professional assistance. That’s because addictive substances cause clinical impairment. When a person becomes an addict, the psychoactive substance they abuse takes over control of their lives. Essentially, addiction interferes with their impulse control.

As such, even when a person wants to quit or limit their intake, they can’t do it. If you have reached this point, you’re addicted and you need professional assistance. This should prompt you to call or visit a free drug rehabilitation center.

The Bottom Line

People respond to alcoholism and drug addiction differently. As such, one person may show different signs of addiction from the other. Nevertheless, these are some of the major signs that should tell you that you are addicted. If you notice some or any of these signs of addiction, you should seek a free drug treatment program right away. The best rehab facilities offer programs that are tailored to suit the treatment needs of their patients. Thus, choosing the right facility will give you access to information, treatment, and support that you need to overcome your addiction and lead a sober, healthy life.

Hardik Patel

Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.

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Hardik Patel

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