6 Ways To Make Your Place Brighter and Bigger


Have you ever wanted to make your condominium look brighter and bigger than it used to be? It would be impossible for you to drill and dig up to literally make it spacious. Nevertheless, there are different ways on how you can make your unit the way you wanted it to be.

Maximize your windows

Not all condominium units are blessed with suitable placement of windows. Others receive sunlight thru those openings while higher buildings block some windows. We cannot change that fact but what we can do is maximize what we have.

If you have windows on prime spots, do not block them with your furniture or appliances. You can amplify it better by placing charms or leaving it blank. You can also decorate your windows that are blocked with light or bright stuff.

Know your lighting

Aside from knowing the placement of your windows in your condominium in Pasig City or other properties, you should master your lighting, too. In which side of your room does the sunrise and sunset strike? Knowing these things can help you identify spots where you can put charms and decorations that would make your room brighter.

Similar to the previous point, do not block your source of natural light. If you see that there are areas in your unit are darker than the usual, you got to invest in good lights and lamps. It is better to have a right mix of white and yellow light as well.

Choose bright colors

Vibrant colors naturally make a place brighter and even more massive. It gives you a particular illusion that the room is spacious. On the other hand, darker hues kind of make you feel like you are cramped up. If you are quite observant when visiting other houses or malls, the ones with higher roofing or ceiling look refreshing than those with lower. Since you can’t push up your roof up to make your place bigger, you can hack your site with choosing bright colors.

White might be the one that you are thinking off. While it is useful in doing the trick, it can also make your place feel and look like a hospital ward or similar to that. There are also plenty ways to decorate your blank walls.

Try decorating with plants

Having plants in your condominium unit, room or any property just makes everything lighter. Some people are fond of putting different herbs, flowers or small plants as ornaments to their workspace or even in their bedroom. For some reason, these little greenies make your place brighter to work on.

Small or home plants include the following but not limited to aloe, English ivy, rubber tree, peace lily, snake plant, bamboo palm, philodendron, spider plant, red-edged dracaena, golden pothos, and the crowd favorite – different types of cactus. According to an article from HuffingtonPost, the mentioned plants (excluding cactus) de-stress your home and even purify the air! So these goodies are not just for your eyes but also for your health.

Use space-saver furniture

What else can do the magic of having more space for your condominium unit – nothing can do it better than space-saver furniture. As our times evolve and people’s thinking on how to maximize the little area we have to live in comes to these type of furniture. If you are interested in this kind of stuff, you will come across beds with rack underneath for storage of shoes, clothes, and other materials.

There are also a lot of house designers who offer space-saver furniture as part of their makeover. It is impressive how were they able to have two bedroom sections for a small condo unit, with sala set as well. You’ve got to check them out on different social media!

Not all of us have the luxury to buy and renovate our condominium units as you can just do it yourself. There are tutorials readily available on YouTube. The door that switches to a dining table or even to Ping-Pong table, table with book storage underneath and whatnot.

Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors

I will remember my colleague, whose family is into steel and mirror business, who told us that one trick to make a place bigger and brighter is by having mirrors. That explains why they have a big mirror in their kitchen. At first, you might think that it is awkward to have such in a place where you cook, but not really. It makes the area lighter and appear bigger.

So these are the things we collated that we suppose can help you achieve your room or unit goals. Again, you do not need everything to be new – sometimes, you just need to be creative and experimental.

What about you? What are the tips and tricks do you have on hand that will help you make your condominium brighter and bigger?

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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