Working With the Elderly: What Does a Geriatric Care Manager Do?


There are more than 46 million adults older than 65 years old living in the United States today. Even with this huge population, there aren’t enough people working in geriatrics to take care of this population.

The field of geriatrics care for our older population and makes their final years on this Earth as exciting as they can be. Specifically, geriatric care managers work to care for the elderly population.

To learn more about what geriatric care managers do, keep reading. We have everything you need to know about geriatric care managers and how they improve the lives of our older population.

What Does a Geriatric Care Manager Do?

Geriatric care managers are employees in the health industry that have a passion for caring for the elderly in our population. They assist families in caring for their elderly kin.

Geriatric care managers have a variety of different responsibilities and roles that pertain to caring for elderly patients. They work to help their elderly patients maintain as much independence as possible, while still ensuring that they are caring for themselves adequately.

These geriatric professionals are well-versed in how to care for elderly patients and what local resources they may have available to them.

Many geriatric care managers also own their own home care franchise and operate this business to ensure that all of their employees are also caring for their elderly clients to the best of their ability.

Job Description

As you can probably tell, geriatric care managers have a plethora of responsibilities that they have to take care of on a daily basis. From business management to patient care, geriatric care managers work hard at mastering different abilities. Here are some of the most common jobs that a geriatric care manager does:

  • Identifying problems that the elderly patient may be having
  • Conduct regular care plan assessments
  • Research in-home services
  • Research local services for the elderly population
  • Provide counseling and support to the family of elders
  • Educate families and individuals about care for the elderly population
  • Assist in the move of the elderly patients’ things to and from a retirement center as needed

There are many more jobs that a geriatric care manager may take care of if they take on multiple roles for their own senior care center. The job requires wearing many different hats, both in the health industry and the business industry.

If you’re looking to be a geriatric care manager, you have to be able to take care of different kinds of responsibilities like those we listed.

Learning More About Geriatrics

Geriatrics is a division of medicine that needs more support from different professionals, including geriatric care managers. Working with the elderly (whether as a geriatric care manager or another geriatric professional) is a rewarding experience.

Many geriatric professionals find that they learn a lot about life from the elderly people that they care for.

To learn more about other health careers like those in geriatrics, feel free to look at the rest of our blog. We have a variety of articles on this and many other similar topics.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


  1. Thanks for letting me know that hiring geriatric care management is a great way to find out exactly what your elders need and that they can help you find the proper care for them as well. My aunt is living alone back in my hometown and unfortunately due to my career, I won’t be able to go back home and check on her. It seems my best option would be to hire a professional to check on her and do what I can’t do in the meantime. I’m glad this kind of service exists.

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